Our Programs
The Spring/Winter Concert:
The choir is responsible for (2) shows annually, usually held in the spring and winter which provide a venue for the choristers to showcase their talents to the community. These concerts showcase Kansas City talent while providing quality music as a source for fun and enjoyment by its citizens. It also serves posterity as a model for a positive portrayal and support of our youth. These productions are created by choristers who are able to present learned communication and to communicate Information to others in an orderly, thoughtful and creative way.
Scholarship Banquet:
The Annual Scholarship Banquet is held the first Friday of August to honor graduating seniors leaving the choir. If seniors provide proof of continuing education they are provided with a monetary scholarship commensurate to their time in the choir. Most have received the $1,000 set aside for recipient.
Private/Community Performances:
The choir has performed at half-time during the Kansas City Chiefs football game and has sang the National Anthem for the NAIA basketball conference. The choir also recently performed for the Kansas City Public Library and the Kansas City Museum. In addition, the choir performs many concerts to include opening acts of major shows, joint concerts, weddings and working with the other fine arts organizations in the community.
Music & Art Therapy (COMING SOON)
This program is executed through individual or group sessions, led by consultants that frame the design for our licensed therapists and community partners to access and offer strategies for choristers and families that create healthy environments within the areas of their personal and professional lives.
This program is usually held at 4 star restaurant with a qualified etiquette instructor.
Personal Grooming Hygiene and Skin Care:
designed with our youth in mind, and hits on specifics relative to boys and girls. There are two separate classes that are tailored towards the boys and girls respectively.
Music Camp:
this two-day event brings in educators that help the choristers develop a higher appreciation of music in all disciplines. On occasions we are able to secure funding to expand the two days to a week.
This is usually two separate classes that focus on boys and girls and often highlights individuals without targeting specific choristers. We aim to improve the overall self-esteem of the boys and girls in our choirs to help them with stage presence and overall life conduct.
The choristers are requested to submit a copy of their grade reports so our education department staff are able to focus on the needs of the choristers. Choristers must maintain a 2.5 GPA to remain active in the choir, if their GPA falls below, choristers are encouraged to seek out help with the tutoring staff. If tutors see the need, they may reach out to the choristers.
Financial Literacy (coming soon)
Financial savvy individuals are invited to teach money management classes to the young choristers. The focus is on the importance of money and how to save and invest. Choristers are required to achieve 60 community service hours from August to August each year.